Blueberry and Lavender Meringue

A sweet pastry case, blueberry and lavender curd, French meringue topped with fresh blueberries

Crumbly pastry, velvety smooth Blueberry and Lavender Curd, light and fluffy meringue, topped with fresh blueberries.

Lemon Meringue pie is a beautiful dessert, and this variation takes advantage of some wonderful flavour combinations between Lavender and Blueberry. As a smooth curd, and the light and sweet meringue, this dessert is perfect for a summers evening.


  • 400g Plain Flour

  • 200g Butter, Cubed, and refrigerated

  • 100g Beaten Egg

  • 100g Caster Sugar


Sieve the flour with a pinch of salt.

Rub in the butter to the flour using a spade attachment, until a change in colour takes place and a texture like breadcrumbs.

Combine egg and sugar until sugar is fully dissolved.

Add enough egg until the mix stops sticking to the sides of the bowl.

Wrap in Cling Film and allow to relax in the fridge.

Blueberry and Lavender Curd:

  • 300g Frozen Blueberries

  • 1 1/2 tsp Dried Lavender

  • 600ml Water

  • 200g Whole Eggs

  • 300g Sugar

  • 60g Corn Flour

  • 160g Cubed Butter


Soak Blueberries and Lavender in the Water over low heat for about 45 minutes.

Beat the Eggs and Sugar until doubled in volume and thickened somewhat.

Bring syrup to a boil and strain into the eggs.

Sieve in the Corn Flour and mix thoroughly.

Return to heat and continue to cook until fully thickened and bubbles form across the surface.

Fold in the cubed butter until glossy.


  • 120g Egg Whites

  • 240g Sugar


Add all the ingredients to the mixer and beat on high for 8 minutes.


Line the tart tin and bake at 180C until lightly golden and baked fully.

Cool and add the Curd. Top with meringue and blowtorch until cooked.


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